Hollow Reed Healing

Shamanic Healing for Body, Mind, Soul, & Spirit

It's Not Therapy

It's problem-solving for people who want to change
their lives without spending a lifetime doing it

Eric Weinstein's Blog

The shamanic journey experience with Eric is deep and profound and at the same time subtle and gentle. His work has been like a much-needed breath of fresh air and a helpful hand on my journey to understand and embrace my own wholeness.

T. S. Maryland October 1, 2015

Eric offers a safe way to uncover and bring closure to life’ s events so you’ re not limited by negative childhood beliefs. He offers valuable guidance and counsel in addition to hypnotherapy and shamanic healing. In just two sessions, we identified a couple of anxiety-causing events and worked them through to resolution.

I have far more confidence about test-taking and other pressure-filled situations: In my last exam, I got a 94% and a congratulatory word from my teacher. I credit our work for settling my soul. I think it’s highly likely that our work together enabled the good grade.

I’ve noticed a marked improvement in my temper while driving (as has my wife).

Eric has also worked with me to heal and bring closure to a major childhood trauma that negatively affected my outlook on life and my decision-making. Overall, I have less baggage and feel like a load has been lifted from my shoulders. I’m more present, creative, and free to respond to life as it comes to me, in ‘real time’.

K. R. Virginia October 5, 2015

It was an absolute delight meeting with you . . . Eric, you have such a gentle, loving energy, that many a time, I feel your clients will heal just from being in your energy field. You must trust yourself because you are so kind and amazing. You don’ t really have to ‘ do’ anything sometimes. Even as I sat down to reply to your mail, I am guided to tell u this..:). You can surely choose to ignore it if you think I am being intrusive!

V.R. India October 2, 2015

My session with Eric was life-changing. He is very grounded, competent, and knowledgeable. Utilizing his skills with hypnotherapy and shamanic techniques, we were able to quickly zero in on my presenting problem. We then identified and released a major blockage that was keeping me from resolving this issue so I could move forward in my life. This was a challenging situation to say the least, and Eric was completely present and held firm a very safe space within which we were able to shift a monumental piece I had been working with for years. Since that session, and the release of that blockage, I have been able to make significant positive changes in the direction of my life.

S.W. (psychotherapist) Florida October 4, 2015

Two to three days following our session, I felt a little lightheadedness, but overall, a lighter spirit of appreciation, mindfulness, and unadulterated caring and love unfiltered by ego, and a sense of being more whole. My wife sensed a change in me, as well, quipping that it was nice to have me back. We have since started reconnecting spiritually. My daughter has also noticed a change in my attitude: a return to my old, gregarious, and joyful self. I have a better feeling of peace, love, and understanding. I didn’ t have any great or jarring transformational experience in our session, but there seems to have been an ionic cleansing, as it were, in which some negative ions were dissipated in the process. Thank you so much for this new feeling.”

P.G. Virginia October 3, 2015

I met Eric through a men’s group, and when we discovered that we were both healers, we decided to exchange processes. My issue was maintaining strong boundaries. Eric performed a soul retrieval, bringing back a power animal that is known for its fearlessness. I felt the difference immediately, but found myself being too aggressive. Eric did a second ‘journey’ for me long-distance, and we found a healthy balance. It’s been about a year now, and the work we did is still solidly in place.”

J. L. Maryland September 29, 2015

“I came to Eric at the suggestion of a mutual friend (a PhD in Counseling and a university professor). She knew Eric, felt I had changed somewhat after a stroke, and believed he could make a difference.

Having known Eric for several years, I knew he was a serious man who has worked hard to help others. I had grown to trust him.

We did two sessions of shamanic healing work. The atmosphere was informal and pleasant. Eric quietly asked questions and explored thoughts. In the first session, Eric’s wife Cindy joined us briefly to do what they described as “soul retrieval” work. Eric reported extracting a black mass and replacing it with sunshine, and when my eyes were closed during this session, I saw images of figures dancing, then a fearsome black mass, which was replaced by a positive bright white energy. Other than that, nothing of note happened.

But, two days after each encounter, I felt different. I can’t describe the changes specifically, but they were noticed and appreciated. These feelings have increased over time.

What did we do? How did we do it? What was it? I don’ t know. It was simple. It was profound.

I am better now. I am more focused. A burden feels lifted. I move through my daily tasks with enthusiasm I haven’ t had in years, and I no longer feel as if something is keeping me from moving forward.”

D. B. Virginia September 30, 2015


You can reach Eric Weinstein at 703-288-0400, or by emailing him at eric@its-not-therapy.com, or by using the form below.

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