Voice Dialogue/Parts Work
“I consider the Voice Dialogue process to be one of the most powerful tools for personal growth that I’ve ever discovered. It has made a significant difference in my life and in the lives of many others I know. I feel that understanding and integrating this work can facilitate a major expansion of consciousness not only for each of us individually, but for the entire planet as well.”
– Shakti Gawain, author of numerous personal development books
Understanding and Accepting All Your “Parts”
If you’ve heard of Internal Family Systems (IFS), you’ve heard of the newest form of “parts work”, which arose from the work of Karl Jung.
Voice Dialogue (the primary form of parts work that I practice) has the immediate benefit of helping you quickly understand why you think, believe, behave, and do what you do. It’s a very safe and gentle way to learn to make more conscious choices by separating from habitual reactions and behaviors that don’t serve you well when they “run the show.”
With Voice Dialogue, you’ll gain more control over yourself instead of having your life run by “parts” (e.g., the part that gets defensive, the part that always needs to be right, the part that gets irrationally angry, the part that worries all the time, the part that’s constantly critical and questioning, the perfectionist, etc.)
I’m also skilled in combining parts works with hypnosis, psychodrama, and other techniques.
Discover Why You are Who You Are and Why You Do What You Do
I’ve paraphrased a Psychology Today article that highlights three specific Voice Dialogue benefits:
- You hear in a very objective way what your different ”voices” have to say, what they want and need, and how they developed – the family forces that shaped them. For example, when a woman who says she can’t stand looking in the mirror discovers that she has a voice (the Inner Critic) that embodies her self-criticism, she can initiate a major shift in her life.
- You discover a new place between opposites – where you can consciously access different “energies” as needed. (e.g., Finding a healthy balance between the part of you that wants to please others and the part of you that wants to stand up for what you need.)
- You find internal peace when by learning that both sides of internal conflicts have positive intentions and good reasons to exist – even though it doesn’t feel that way.
Source: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-therapy/201001/cool-intervention-7-voice-dialogue
What to Expect from a Voice Dialogue Session
A Voice Dialogue session briefly feels like a regular conversation, but evolves into a light trance state, as the client’s “voice” or “part” takes over.
Clients typically remember about half of what they say. The rest – as read back by the facilitator – is often a surprise.
After dialoguing with one of your “parts,” I’ll read you the notes I’ve taken, while guiding you through a technique of learning to energetically separate from the part. Over time, you’ll learn to detect when a part is “taking over”, so you can stay in a place of “aware ego.”
My Qualifications
I’ve taken about 100 hours of workshop time in Voice Dialogue. The workshops were led by Francine Pinto, a senior teacher who has studied extensively with the creators of Voice Dialogue, Drs. Hal & Sidra Stone, two internationally recognized psychotherapists.
I’ve also learned a “Parts Alignment” technique through my True Purpose coach training. This technique is designed to get parts to see their common purpose and work together like a team.
Finally, there’s an NLP (neurolinguistic programming) Conflict Resolution technique that’s extraordinary for bringing about balanced behavior and inner peace by getting opposing parts to see their common goals (the part that’s angry vs. the part that’s been repressed from being angry; the part that wants to please people vs. the part that needs to set healthy boundaries, etc.).
For more information about Voice Dialogue, see:
∙ Dr. Hal & Sidra Stone’s website: www.delos-inc.com